Week 3! Talk about busy! Plus the Internet was down for 3 days, so I DID fall behind a little! And I DID cheat on one of the themes...! :) Don't forget to keep up to date with specials and comps by following me on Face Book!

{15} 15/01/12 "Four" SO I was going to go the easy option, and just use my daughter who is 4 years old, and then I spotted my tic tacs... The kids and I had to polish off a few of them to get the correct number- but just goes to show that I suffer for my art! :)
{16} 16-01-12 "Grey" = Lucy! :)
{17} 17/01/12 "With a Prop" This is the photo I cheated with. I had to dig it up from an old shoot, but it fit with the theme so perfectly! Plus this day was in the middle of 3x 12 hour shifts and I didn't have time to even LOOK at a camera!!
{18} 18/010/12 "Sharp as a ..." Well obviously sharp as a tack! Another shot I've always wanted to try- wasn't totally happy with it- until I realised that the water balloon was in the shape of a heart!! Awww...! :)
{19/01/12} "Negative Space" Always thought of taking a photo of our lights, and here they are!!
Negative or 'white' space= "The space around and between the subject(s) of an image" (from good old wikapedia!)
{21} 21/01/12 "Geometric Shapes" I love bubbles- even at the age of only-just-twenty-something! No matter how sooky a kid is, bubbles always end up getting the best of them....! :)