So my resolution to type everyday didn't last too long! But in my defence, I really did try to post on Mon and Tues, but blogger was doing some weird thing and wouldn't let me! I even had a witty title for Monday which I won't share in case the opportunity to use it again arises!! :) My plans to spend Monday getting to know my new lens went out the window with the rain...! But I did get a quick chance to give it a go Tuesday morning before work. JBV soooo kindly drove me out towards Kennilworth in search of cattle. I don't know what my obsession to photograph cows is from, but I can say I finally did it now! We found a horse out in a paddock under a tree- PERFECT opportunity to use my new lens. But while I was putting it on the camera, JBV called the horse over closer to us. and the only photos I could get of it had barb wire fencing in front of its face! Not to worry, because we came a cross a Kookaburra perched on an old gate- Beautiful Shot! But JBV scared it away before I could get anything...! Bloody men! At least this thread will see how much JBV really reads my blog!! ;) We eventually found some cows that I managed to get a couple of shots of on our way home. Wish I hadn't had to go to work that afternoon, because the scenery was beautiful and I would've liked to keep exploring! Next time!

Little bird, big cow. Checking something out!
JBV's continous honking of the horn got their attention...
...until they got hungry, ewww! ;)
I can tick it off my lidt now! :)
Lookin good Bernie lovin the photos they are awesome. Mick@TenancyPlus