Wednesday 11 May 2011

Wednesday- half way through the week!

So my resolution to type everyday didn't last too long! But in my defence, I really did try to post on Mon and Tues, but blogger was doing some weird thing and wouldn't let me! I even had a witty title for Monday which I won't share in case the opportunity to use it again arises!! :) My plans to spend Monday getting to know my new lens went out the window with the rain...! But I did get a quick chance to give it a go Tuesday morning before work. JBV soooo kindly drove me out towards Kennilworth in search of cattle. I don't know what my obsession to photograph cows is from, but I can say I finally did it now! We found a horse out in a paddock under a tree- PERFECT opportunity to use my new lens. But while I was putting it on the camera, JBV called the horse over closer to us. and the only photos I could get of it had barb wire fencing in front of its face! Not to worry, because we came a cross a Kookaburra perched on an old gate- Beautiful Shot! But JBV scared it away before I could get anything...! Bloody men! At least this thread will see how much JBV really reads my blog!! ;) We eventually found some cows that I managed to get a couple of shots of on our way home. Wish I hadn't had to go to work that afternoon, because the scenery was beautiful and I would've liked to keep exploring! Next time!

Little bird, big cow. Checking something out!

JBV's continous honking of the horn got their attention...

...until they got hungry, ewww! ;)

I can tick it off my lidt now! :)

Monday 9 May 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Happy Mother's day!! I'm wondering if all the other Aussie mums out there got to sleep in on our 'special' day. Because I sure didn't!! Going out for Breakfast is so over rated... ESPECIALLY when its Macdonalds (Does this mean I'm getting old? The fact that I cannot STAND macca's is actually kinda scary considering I could- and have- eaten it all day everyday!!) But we have gone to Maccas for breaky every mothers day for years. Apart from having to get up early on my day off (You may remember how much I'm not a morning person!) it was really quite nice. Me, the kids and JBV, my mum, granny, and on of my uncles! I was spoilt rotten this year- scoring a new telephoto zoom lens, and a ring that says "Princess" on it that Master J bought me from the school mothers day market. But my number 1 mothers day present (and proof that I really am getting old- a few years ago the lens would have won hands down!!) was a poem written by my son! Its one of those that the first letter on each line spells something. Mine reads MUM I LOVE YOU. And he continues to inform me that he missed 'play time' so he could sit in the computer lab and type it up. Haven't I got good kids?

But of course, I had to try out my new lens! But turned out to be a cold, grey and windy day, with nothing for me to take photos of!! All these times that I've been so frustrated with not being able to zoom far enough...! We went for a walk down the beach looking for surfers, without a lot of success.So we gave up and took the kids to the park for a while. Later in the afternoon we went to the skateboard ramp, and I had a bit of a play with the lens, but I'm hoping to get out tomorrow and give it a whirl! All in all, not a bad mothers day!


Master J went off at the ramp today!! He's usually very stand-offish, but there was no stopping him today!!

Miss K... 3 expressions in 3 seconds! One of her first runs down the ramp (with dad helping!). She tried to bail in the 3rd pic (notice no feet on the scooter/ground??). Lucky dad was there!!

Some of the local wildlife I tried to capture from 60-70m away- trying out the new lens!

This one certainly tested the capabilities of the new lens! When looking at it bigger, you can see the pilot clear as a bell looking down at me! And the rude bugger didn't even smile!

My poor Master J...! JBV knocked him with the scooter when he was getting it out of the car... what an end to such a great day!! :(

Nah, not really- I couldn't end it like that! JBV worked tonight so the kids and I partied with Red Rooster and a movie for dinner! a MUCH better ending!!


Sunday 8 May 2011

Least Favourite Photo Subject

I run a group on Flickr in which a challenge is opened daily for the members to take a photo of a certain subject. The challenge is open for 3 days before the group votes. The idea is to not only get us to use our cameras everyday, but to also get us to take photos of subjects we wouldn't normally photograph. We've had topics such as "from your kitchen", "wood", "sweet", "shapes" and "movement". One of our latest subjects was "Your Least Favourite Subject to Photograph", and this was my entry. I vowed to NEVER photograph one of these flower puff weed things. It seems EVERYONE on Flickr has done it, and it is really overdone! But having said that, I actually really liked the way the photo turned out! Didn't win with it though... someone who did a self portrait did! This is when I realised my entry was incorrect... I myself am definitely my least fave subject to photograph. So much so, that I still couldn't bring myself to do it for the challenge!!