Monday 27 June 2011

Gympie Duck Ponds

Here they are, as promised! Lol. After our trip to check out the rock pools, we headed home through Gympie so we could stop to feed the ducks. This is something I used to do with Granny and Poppy when I was a little girl! We would make a day out of it, and it was always an exciting trip!! So we took some old rolls and bread with us, and the kids loved it. There were all sorts of ducks, swans, geese, water hens, ibis and corellas. There was even a nest of eggs, as well as a very quick fly through from a stunning blue kingfisher (which I of course missed with the camera!) So I think I may have gone a little bird crazy with my photos anyway! Once we'd finished feeding the birds, the kids spent some time on the new awesome park they have recently opened there! We even briefly caught up with an old friend there. It was a great way to end a great day with the family!
Photos in better quality HERE

Sunday 26 June 2011

Learning to Crawl

I was planning on posting some photos from our trip the other day, when we ended up at the Duck Ponds in Gympie. And I will get to it one day, just not today. It's getting late, and I'm freaking out about starting my next rotation at the hospital tomorrow, so I thought I'd better get to bed now, so that I might get a couple of hours sleep! Earlier today however, I was going through all these old photos and vids, and I came across this one, that never fails to make me laugh! This is how we taught Miss K to crawl- by teasing her with Easter eggs! Make sure you've got your sound turned up to hear the frustration!! :)