Monday 2 January 2012

~Competion Winner~ Miss M!

Well, the competition ended months ago, and the winner had finally received her completed disc! Taran is a great supporter of Rainbow Photography, and with the subject of the photo shoot to be her beautiful almost-2-year-old daughter, I was really looking forward to it. Trying to get a time that suited as both however proved difficult- and when we finally got together the weather was shocking! We finally hit the jackpot with a beautiful day down the river a couple of weeks ago, and caught some wonderful images. So these photos are a combination of 2 different shoots! When I present a client with their DVD of completed images- I always try to include a couple of fun and candid shots as well as the 'it' shots. Shots that other people may look at and think is 'akward' or odd, but actually mean something to the client- a memory. Like Miss M 'planking' when she was actually trying to peek over the edge of the jetty. Or the photo of Miss M trying to reattach the flower she picked because she had been told not to pick the newly planted gerberas! Photos are memories captured in time, so I think it's important to include these kinds of images!Thank you Taran for your support, thank you Miss M for your compliance! Congratulations!!

1 comment:

  1. FANTASTIC shots Bernie! Thank you so so much! Cant wait to reccommend you to all my friends and family who want photos! They are so personal and captured my littel girl perfectly! :)
