Monday 25 July 2011

Australia Zoo Part II- Where Crocs Rule!! (and lizards too!!)

Continued from Australia Zoo Part I
So we pulled up in the car park, to the zoo, and the kids eyes were fantastic to see- so excited- what a surprise! This is why us parents keep putting ourselves through stressful days at zoos and theme parks etc- for the kids (even if at the end of the day we swear we will never go again!!). But then JBV burst the bubble- he told them that there was a park behind the zoo we were going to, to feed the ducks! Bastard! Master J new dad was of i, but Miss K was furious! She refused to get out of the car! I finally made her understand that dad was full of crap, and we were off. I know that I've posted a few photos earlier, but to make it easier (for me), I thought I'd group the next few blogs into types of animals, so a couple of these may be repeated from the first blog! I thought I may as well start with the crocs! We went to the wildlife show and saw a few animals, but we were there for the crocs of course! The trainer tried for a long time to get him to jump out for the 'chook' for quite some time before he gave up- but came back to it at the end of the show and finally got some results. But it was a pretty poor effort on the crocs behalf- he barely left the water!! I promised the kids that one day we would go to Darwin and we'd go on the Adelaide River Queen and REALLY see some crocs jump! But the kids still enjoyed it! So Here are our croc photos! And I thought I could get away with throwing some lizards into the mix as well- they are reptiles after all!! :)
As always, check out my FLICKR Photos for better quality pics, plus many others as well!

Croc Food! Mmmmm!

 Shingleback Lizards

 Master J spotted this water dragon sunning himself on some stairs- scared the C.R.A.P. out of him!
Rhinoceros Iguana

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